Spring is perhaps the busiest time of year for all farmers, including fruit growers | European Apples From Poland

Our orchard

| Best Apples

The Spring

Spring is perhaps the busiest time of year for all farmers, including fruit growers. Nature is awakening to life. The orchards are getting greener and greener until the most beautiful time comes – the blooming.

The Spring

The apple trees are covered with white and pink flowers, which is quite a feast for the eyes (especially for romantics). The orchards look like they are covered in snow. This makes people happy, and insects too – especially bees.

The Spring

Every year, hives from friendly beekeepers appear in our orchards. Such cooperation gives mutual benefits because the flowers of our apple trees are better pollinated and thus produce better quality fruit, and the beekeepers get tasty honey.

The Spring

An interesting fact is that apple trees need pollen from other varieties of apple trees to pollinate – they are called “foreign pollinators”. Therefore, in our orchards, we have planted numerous pollinators – apple trees of other varieties, the fruit of which is not suitable for eating. Still, the pollen from their flowers is ideal for pollinating other flowers. Some of these pollinators bloom beautifully in red, giving a wonderful colour contrast in the orchard.

The Spring