Black bean burger with caramelized apples, bacon chips, roasted nuts and red cabbage | European Apples From Poland

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Black bean burger with caramelized apples, bacon chips, roasted nuts and red cabbage

Black bean burger with caramelized apples, bacon chips, roasted nuts and red cabbage

Ingredients 4 servings:

  • Black beans, cooked, 600 g
  • 2 Apples
  • Steamed, smoked bacon slices
  • 1 Onion
  • Fresh Thyme 20 g
  • Honey 80g
  • Sugar 60g
  • Red cabbage 600g
  • Dry red wine – 150ml
  • Roasted hazelnuts 80g
  • Breadcrumbs 100g
  • 1 Egg
  • salt, and pepper to taste.

Boil the black beans, grind them, add one egg and bread crumbs, and season with salt and pepper. Divide into four portions and form into a cutlet shape. Spread the bacon slices on top and bake for 12 minutes in the oven at 150 °C. Cut the red cabbage into pieces, dice the onion, and cook with red wine and honey until soft. Wash the apples, then peel them and cut them into pieces. Heat up a pan. Pour sugar, and add apple pieces to caramelize for 4 minutes.

Arrange all ingredients on a plate, sprinkle the dish with crushed, roasted hazelnuts and garnish with fresh thyme.

Serve the dish hot.